Physical Labor and Its Effect on Conception and The Health of the Child
Are you trying to conceive or already pregnant? Although scientists are coming out with papers left and right that say sitting is the new smoking, standing for long periods of time is not something a new mother or someone who is possible pregnant should be doing. Although in the past it has been thought that working up til the end of a pregnancy, or even full time work in the beginning and throughout a pregnancy is ok, more evidence is saying that hard physical work on one’s feet can reduce blood flow to the uterus and placenta, reducing the availability of oxygen and nutrients for the fetus. The studies were measured in over 10,000 women throughout pregnancy and at birth.
This is especially true towards the later part of a pregnancy, where newborns had approximately three percent smaller head circumference, and more specifically, working more than 40 hours was linked to a smaller head circumference and lower fetal growth. Long working hours were associated with approximately a 5 – 7 ounce lower birth weight. So if you are trying to conceive a healthy baby, not only should you cut out smoking and alcohol, but make sure you monitor your physical labor and exercise, along with how much you stand up, especially if you are doing shift work. If you have any questions about exercising, physical labor, pre-conception care, weight or any other physical issues, feel free to call our clinic, Santa Monica Fertility – we are always happy to help!